For Physicians
Physician Resources
Educating physicians and health care providers about FMD is a primary goal of the FMDSA. Please review the Research Network Section for up to date data being published from the FMD Patient Registry.

February 2018, Belgium Meeting on Fibromuscular Dysplasia
The meeting on FMD was hosted by Prof. Alexandre Persu and Prof. Patricia Van der Niepen at the Auditoire Maisin in Brussels. It’s a national meeting with a European and international faculty with topics aimed at updating and educating medical professionals on relevant topics related to FMD. The meeting also addressed important practical questions and provided the opportunity to present the BEL-FMD Project, a Belgium multicentric cohort within a European initiative.

Congratulations to Drs. Heather Gornik, Jeffrey Olin and Esther Kim who Co-Chaired the Second International Fibromuscular Dysplasia and SCAD Network Symposium on May 2017 in Cleveland, Ohio.
This meeting gathered key researchers and clinical thought leaders in the field of FMD for a state-of-the-art review of the existing knowledge base and current research activities related to FMD in the United States and abroad. A large proportion of the meeting was focused on the expansion of the FMD research network, comprised of four focused working groups on various aspects of FMD research
Paris update, by Dr PF Plouin. The HEGP (Hospital European G Pompidou) meeting on FMD
This annual meeting brings together physicians from Bordeaux, Caen, Clermont-Ferrand, Grenoble, Lille, Saint-Etienne, Marseille, Nancy and Toulouse participating in a national network on FMD.
The French network in coordinated in Paris by PF Plouin (Hypertension Unit, HEGP), E Mousseaux (Department of Radiology, HEGP), and E Touzé (Stroke Center , Hospital Saint-Anne, Paris). A registry designed to document phenotypic and genetic traits in patients with renal and/or cervical artery FMD is used for a national cohort study evaluating the progression of FMD lesions and for pathophysiological and genetic studies.
J. Olin and P. Mace (USA), as well as P. De Leeuw (The Netherlands), A. Morganti (Italy), and A. Persu (Belgium) were invited to participate in this year’s meeting in order to exchange information and data and to consider harmonizing the US and the French registries. This would be a first step for organizing cooperative or complementary studies in this rare condition.
Physician's Toolbox
Genetic investigation of fibromuscular dysplasia
New genes identified for fibromuscular dysplasia
Physical activity and exercise in patients with spontaneous coronary artery dissection and fibromuscular dysplasia
FMD 101 – Dr. Esther Kim’s presentation from the Annual Conference
Updates from the FMD Registry –
Dr. Olin’s presentation from the
Annual Conference
Fibromuscular dysplasia:
what the radiologist should know:
a pictorial review 2015
Helpful resources to offer your patients
The ‘Rare’ Disease That Isn’t
( Front Page )
The ‘Rare’ Disease That Isn’t
( Full Journal )
10 Tips Doctors Should Know About Fibromuscular Dysplasia (FMD)
First International Consensus on the diagnosis and management of fibromuscular dysplasia
Brain-to-Pelvis Imaging Substantially Impacts Management of Patients With Fibromuscular Dysplasia
2nd International FMD Research Network and SCAD Symposium
Please also see our video page

Beadie Fun Fact
In Registry studies, only a minority of patients (1.9–7.3%) with FMD report an affected family member